Tips on Getting the Most Comfortable Fit for Your Smartwatch

WRITTEN BY Alexander Clavel May 03, 2022

A new smartwatch may take time to get used to; it might not be pleasant to wear until you find the best position for it on your wrist. Getting the most comfortable fit for your smartwatch is important if you plan for your child or elderly loved one to wear it every day. The discomfort will disappear after a few easy adjustments, and the smartwatch will be more enjoyable.

Swap Out Straps

If the watch strap material is the most bothersome component of your kids' video call watch, you can easily replace the straps. The Angel Watch Company offers alligator print leather, nylon, or premium silicone bands that you can swap out for a change in comfort and style.

Wrist Placement

The culprit you may be looking for is the wrist placement of the watch. While it doesn’t matter what wrist you wear the watch on, most people prefer to place it on their non-dominant hand. When you fasten the watch to your wrist, place it above the wrist bone for the most comfort; you’ll lose mobility if you place the watch too close to your hand.

Adjust Straps

Above all, never fasten the watch too tightly. You should avoid cutting off circulation while still keeping it secure enough to verify that the health metric components of the watch work. In general, you should be able to lift the smartwatch about an inch off the skin for the most comfortable wear.

If you are still having issues with getting the most comfortable fit for your smartwatch, try gradually getting used to wearing the watch for a couple of hours at a time until it’s comfortable. Just as you would break in a new pair of shoes, you should do the same for a smartwatch. Once you find the ideal fit, your smartwatch can be a powerful tool for communicating with your kids and keeping a watchful eye on them when you cannot physically be there.

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